Peer Review

Peer review is the principal criterion by which the quality of a research is judged. Peer Reviewers are the erudite experts of specific fields who acts as an evaluator to assess the content quality of the journal. Reviewers may be selected to analyze separate components of a manuscript on the basis of their knowledge and experience. They provide feedback on the article and the research, suggest improvements and make a recommendation regarding the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript.

Merits of being a Reviewer:

  • Refines your professional expertise
  • Helps the author to improve his article
  • Provides exposure
  • Makes aware of the current emerging advancements in research

Responsibility of a Reviewer:

  • Promptness -The reviewer who are selected to review should be prompt in responding.
  • Fair Judgment - The reviewer should impart an unbiased, thoughtful and complete review.
  • Timely - Peer reviews that cannot be completed on time should not be accepted by the reviewer; every effort should be made to complete those accepted within the time allotted for review.
  • Clarity and Objectivity- Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. The reviewer is expected to provide comments to the editor that clearly justifies their recommendation for disposition of the manuscript.          

We invite you to associate with us as a Reviewer for Oriental Journal of Physical Sciences.

Kindly register through the below given link

The applicant must fulfill the following  set of guidelines to qualify as a reviewer:

  • The reviewer should be an expert in their field.
  • Should hold a Ph.D. degree.
  • Must have published with minimum 3 recognized journals